Travis & Jordan

Grow and scale lawn care & pest control businesses by increasing the client count of the businesses by an average of 665 per year


Travis and Jordan

Grow and Scale Lawn Care / Pest Control Businesses

and increase their annual clients by an average of 652 per year

We Offer Lawn Care & Pest Control Businesses Owners A No Cost Growth Strategy Call

During The Call, You'll Learn About:

A Predictable &

Reliable, Qualified

Leads System

How to Optimize Your Website To Convert Visitors Into Leads

How to Get the Right Traffic of Qualified Leads at the Time You Need It

Is your Marketing Agency an

Asset or a Liability?

We can send you an example report we give our clients each month so they can make the best decisions based on marketing ROI.

What Our Clients Say...

What are the Key Metrics you need to make decisions around your Marketing?

The Secret to getting an average of 665 MORE Clients next year

Is your Marketing Agency an

Asset or a Liability?

Download an example of a report we give our clients so they can make decisions based around the biggest ROI on their marketing

What Our Clients Say...

What are the Key Metrics you need to make decisions around your Marketing?

The Secret to getting an average of 652 MORE Clients next year

Travis Will Show You How He:

Grew his Lawn Care / Pest Control Business to

7 figures a Year.

What You Need to Grow and Scale Your

Lawn Care / Pest Control Business

Jordan Will Share With You:

Key Metrics That Lawn Care / Pest Control Businesses

Need to Increase Sales

Most Effective Lead Sources & Tactics for

Your Industry & Area

Kudos is a marketing company geared specifically to the Lawn Care & Pest Control Industry. We OWN and RUN our own Lawn Care / Pest Control Business, and through FRUSTRATIONS with previous Digital Agencies not delivering RESULTS, we built Kudos Marketing to help out others, like us, achieve the results they deserve.





Annual Contracts


No, our good work is our contract


Email me and I might get to it in a month

You have my cell phone number

Custom Service

Cookie-cutter service

Customized to your business

Monthly Reports

Useless Numbers (Impressions)

Result Oriented Data (Client Acquisition Cost)

Website Strategy

Slow, cookie-cutter, wordpress sandwich

Slow, cookie-cutter, wordpress sandwich

Google Ads

Cost Per Click Optimized (More clicks - less leads)

Cost Per Lead Optimized (Less clicks - more leads)

Social Media

Ugly waste of money

Pixel retargeting

Google Reviews


Half the work flow required per review

Google Maps


Let's climb to the top of "near me" searches


"Yeah we do SEO..."

"Let us show you what we did this month for your SEO"

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All Rights Reserved